Building Renovations Update

CTK Building Renovation Update. After several years of work, our building renovations are drawing to a close this summer. The repointing and rebuilding of the masonry exterior by the Folan Company is almost complete, and it is predicted that the structure will be able to withstand the New England weather for many years to come!! We look forward to the removal of the scaffolding in the next few weeks. The sanctuary roof reinforcement work being performed by YSC is over halfway done, and the cracked roof trusses are now stabilized. We are thankful to the Lord for His provision throughout this process, including the recent mild winter. There have been no injuries and only minor mishaps throughout the process of both exterior and structural renovation. The renovations have been funded in part by a $500,000 loan obtained to facilitate timely completion of the projects. If you would like to give to the CTK Building Fund dedicated to funding the renovations (including repayment of the loan), you can contribute through Church Center Online. Please visit for more background, updates, pictures, and financial information about the renovations.