Fourth Fridays

Once upon a time, we had a monthly event called “Fourth Fridays,” where people could gather at a local pub after work to socialize and meet new people. For obvious reasons, that hasn’t been happening for the last 5 months. But this Friday (8/7), there will be a modified “First Friday” event at 7pm, hosted by Rick & Martha Olson on their roof deck in Cambridge. In order to be socially distant, attendance needs to be limited to the first 6 RSVPs. If you would like to attend, please consider your own risk level, please follow all state guidelines, and please RSVP to Martha Olson.

Looking for Roommate

Looking for a roommate: two professional females in their 30s looking for a third roommate.  We're in a residential area of Chelsea on the border of Everett in a lovely apartment with living room, dining room, and eat-in kitchen.  There is laundry on-site.  We are quiet and easy-going.  We take COVID-19 precautions seriously and would expect our third roommate to do the same.  Rent is $800 per month, plus utilities.  If you're interested, please email

Missions Update and Prayer Requests

Carolyn and Ted Turneau are both teachers in Prague, Czech Republic. Ted teaches at Anglo-American University, and Carolyn teaches Christian International School of Prague. They intended to travel to the US this summer, but they remain in Prague due to the pandemic.

On July 18-25, they will be teaching in their church’s English camp—pray that the many high-school and college students who attend will be receptive to the scriptural messages they will hear in the course of the week. Ted will also be giving a talk on “Doubt” at a meeting for skeptical teens in August. Carolyn is redesigning her 9th and 10th grade Bible curriculum for the fall. As the pandemic affects enrollment, pray that their respective schools will remain in operation, and pray for the students affected by their parents’ job losses.

The Turneaus also ask for prayer for their children. Claire has had to postpone her wedding until January, and the school she had planned to attend has closed down. Pray also for Ruth and Roger, as they continue their own studies.

If you would like to receive their full newsletter, email

Women's Ministry Book Club

This summer, the women of the church are invited to a summer reading group.  We will be reading Austin Channing Brown's book I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness (2018).  In this memoir, Brown describes and reflects on her experiences as growing up as a Black Christian female in America.  They will meet one more time on Zoom to discuss the book on August 25 at 7:30pm. Please contact Rachel Thrasher with any questions, and contact Morgan Crago if you would like a copy of the book. We hope to see you there!


Rick has been giving verses to the kids to memorize, and this past Sunday, he challenged the adults to memorize Galatians 4:4-7, which will be the sermon passage this coming week:

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

New CG

A new online Community Group is meeting on Mondays from 8p-8:45p. The group will follow the same format as other community groups in that it will meet weekly, and go through the sermon notes and with time of prayer and fellowship.  What will be different is that this group will consist only on-line, through Zoom. If you are interested in joining, please contact

Summer LCA

With camps closed and summer internships interrupted, a lot of parents are looking for ways to keep their kids busy and engaged over the summer. Lexington Christian Academy has put together a great program that is going to be engaging, fun, and will help students get ready for school in the fall. They've been doing remarkable things with remote learning, so these courses won't be boring!  Definitely check out the Musical Theater. Let me know if you'd like me to help you make a connection, Kelly Sawyer.

Roommate Search

Looking for a roommate: One bedroom available September 1st in a 3-bedroom unit in Somerville, 12 minutes from Davis and Porter Square. Rent is $985 per person plus shared utilities. The apartment includes washer and dryer and off-street parking, and small pets are welcome. The current roommates are two relaxed, friendly women who would like to share occasional meals with roommates and create a sense of home together; one attends CTK Somerville and the other Reservoir Church. Please contact Tina at

PCA Unity Fund

Rick mentioned the PCA Unity Fund during the service this past Sunday. The PCA Unity Fund is an initiative committed to raising up leaders from diverse ethnic backgrounds in the PCA through education, training, and mentorship. You may remember hearing from Rev. Scott Bridges back in January when he came to speak to our congregation about this initiative. You can learn more by watching this video or visiting their website.