Easter Times & Services

In light of how many people would like to attend in person this Easter, the CTK staff has decided for this Sunday to have two services. However, to accommodate the schedules of the volunteers who will be serving this Sunday, we'll be changing our service time so as to have two morning services.

We will have a 9 am worship service and an 11:15 am worship service this Sunday. Registration is full for the 9am service, though you can sign up for the waiting list. There are still some spots left at the 11:15am service.

The livestream will be at 9am. We will return to our regular 10:30am service next week (Sunday, April 11th).

Here are the links for this week’s services. Please join us as we celebrate and reflect on the death and resurrection of our Lord:

Building Update

The sanctuary renovations are finishing up this week. You can see pictures of their progress, from February til now, in this Google Photos album. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped remove and then bring back the pews. And special thanks to Joe Buckley and Katy Carter for all their work in the planning and execution of these renovations. We are a grateful congregation!

Adult Ed on 4/11

On Sunday, April 11 Ted and Carolyn Turneau, a missionary couple we support, will be visiting us virtually at 9am during the Sunday School hour. If you are able, please plan to attend the Adult Education class that week to hear from the Turneaus, who work as teachers at two different Christian institutions in Prague, Czech Republic. We will be able to hear about the opportunities and challenges of reaching out to students during the pandemic and have the chance to ask questions and pray for them "in person."

Pentecostal Tabernacle

On Saturday, April 3, Pentecostal Tabernacle, a church located near CTK in Cambridge, is hosting a Pop Up Food Pantry in celebration of Easter, and people from other congregations are welcome to volunteer! There are slots on Friday evening and various times on Saturday morning. The preparation and distribution will all take place at the church's north campus on 77 Columbia St. Email the outreach coordinator, debbie.plummer@ptspice.org, with any questions.

Church Softball

Captain of the softball team? The Metro Boston Church Softball League is a group of churches in the Boston area that have gotten together every summer for the past 10-15 years to build community by playing softball together. They are currently planning out their 2021 season and would like to know if folks from Christ the King would be interested in joining this year. As a general overview, they are a co-ed league, and their season lasts around 10 weeks, starting in June, with playoffs starting in August. Our current members include City on a Hill , Mosaic, Highrock, CityLife, Antioch and Park Street. If you would be interested in organizing or joining a CTK softball team, please email laura@ctkcambridge.org.

Holy Week Schedule w/ Image

Holy Week Schedule w/ Image

Join us for Holy Week services - our Good Friday service will be at 7:30p on April 2 on our Youtube channel; the Sunrise Service will be at 6:15a on April 4 on Zoom, and our regular 10:30a service will stream on Youtube. We are hopeful that the sanctuary renovations will be complete in time for Easter. Assuming they are, the 10:30a service will be both in person and online. In person attendance will be dependent on state gathering guidelines and registration will open the week of March 28.

PSC Update

The Pastoral Search Committee is pleased to announce that we have finished writing the church and pastor profile and are wrapping up Phase 1 (learn more about the phases here). These profiles were created by carefully reviewing and distilling the feedback we received from the McGowan church assessment and the subsequent congregational survey. In many ways, the congregation provided the raw material which the PSC has then condensed and organized into a cohesive profile. You can watch a short video announcement from the PSC here and you can read the church and pastor profile here. Thank you for your prayers and support in this process, and please continue to pray for the PSC and for our congregation as we head into the next phase of the pastoral search.

Grace Prep

Grace Prep is excited to offer a Summer Program for 2021 for students entering Kindergarten through Sixth grade. The program will be a stimulating learning environment for students and will give them the opportunity to dive deeper into subjects and have lots of fun too. Along with practicing reading and math to reduce regression, we will be doing science experiments and nature study. The Summer Program will also give children an opportunity to try dance, dabble in the arts, play sports and have time with their friends playing games. We have extensive COVID safety measures in place, and we know we can have fun and still be safe. Students do not need to be current students of Grace Prep to participate! Registration opened March 8th! Please see flier for details.

Calling All Singers

Calling all singers, far and near! Although we are not able to put together our annual a cappella choir for this year's Holy Week services, we'd love to have you join us by participating in CTK's online choir. We will be preparing selections for our services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Check out www.ctkcambridge.org/online-choir for more information and resources, and email amanda@ctkcambridge.org with questions.

Communicants' Class

A Communicants Class is starting soon for kids who may be ready to join the church. We are adapting the format this year to a co-teaching model, with parents teaching much of the content at home. Kids will also attend periodic virtual meetings to discuss the material with course teachers and peers. Parents interested in learning more about this class are invited to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 3 from 8:00-8:45pm on Zoom. Please contact Dana Russell for details and the link to join the meeting.