Calling All Volunteers! Join Our Church Nursery Team! At CTK we want little ones to feel safe, loved, and cared for and their parents to feel supported in worship. This is where our dedicated nursery volunteers come in! Do you have a passion for working with children? Are you a big kid at heart who enjoys constructing train tracks, building towers, and reading stories? If the answer is yes, we would love to have you on our nursery team! Our goal is to have 4-6 new volunteers to schedule an orientation session in November. if you reach out to Dana Russell ( by November 12 you’ll receive a $5 Tatte gift card!
Advent Choir
Attention, Singers! Leonard Layne and Laura Martin are looking to organize an Advent Choir to sing one Sunday in December. If you’re interested in singing or in learning more, please contact them at and Rehearsals start on Saturday, November 18th at 10:30a at the church.
Building Celebration
The scaffolding is down, the holes in the ceiling are gone...and CTK has wrapped up 2.5 years of major interior and exterior building renovations! Join us in the fellowship hall after the service next Sunday, October 22nd, for a small celebration of God's care and provision. (There might be cake...)
CTK Work Day
It's time for some fall clean-up at the church! Join us from 12-2pm on Saturday Oct 28th (right before the Great Pumpkin Event) to help with lawn/garden care, painting, and other housekeeping. Please RSVP to, and bring gardening/work gloves if you have them. If yard work isn't your thing, consider helping with set-up for the Great Pumpkin Event instead -- sign up for that here.
Kids' Sunday Summary
New for Parents: We've launched a new page on the church website called “Kids' Sunday Summary." This dedicated space provides a brief overview of the lessons covered in Sunday classes with questions to continue the conversation at home. This tool is intended to strengthen the connection between the church and home, making it easier for parents to review and reinforce these important teachings with their children throughout the week. Check out the Kids' Sunday Summary page.
Crates for Ukraine
Crates for Ukraine is a ministry organized by Mission to the World (MTW), the the global missions-sending agency of the PCA. MTW Ukraine and MTW Team Lviv are partnering with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine to provide personal and humanitarian aid from the hands of churches in the U.S. to the hands of churches and displaced communities in Ukraine. If you would be interested in organizing group donations from CTK, please see the details on their website and then email
Congratulations to the Jentofts!
Congratulations to Katie and Leif Jentoft on the birth of their son, Ezra Duncan, on Monday, September 18! And congrats to big brother Silas!
High School After-Church Hangout
The next High School After-Church Hangout will be on Sunday, October 1. High schoolers can meet up with Ariana after the service to have lunch in Central Square. Contact with any questions.
Sunday School and Adult Ed
Please note, there will be no K-12 Sunday School and no Adult Education classes this Sunday, October 8th. Classes will resume on October 15th, including an Adult Education class on the Incarnation.
Prattville Gallery
Rosemary Boyle and Sophie Linnell invite CTK to the opening reception for their upcoming exhibition This is Not our Home at the Prattville Gallery. Please join the at the opening reception on ***Saturday, October 7th from 4 - 7 pm,*** at the Prattville Gallery in Chelsea (Address: 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA). Contemplate Hebrews 13 with work by Kenna Michaels, Lois Andersen, Maxwell Kane & Bradford Johnson. The reception will not have any programming and is like a museum, you can walk through at your own pace, enjoy refreshments, and pursue peace.
Discovering CTK
Men's Breakfast
The next CTK men's breakfast is on Saturday, October 14th from 8:30-10am in the CTK Social Hall. Come enjoy some good food and good company. We'll be discussing God's providence in Proverbs 16 and what it means to "commit your work to the Lord". Email Andy at if you have questions or want to help cook / set up.
Unite Boston
UniteBoston is planning an outdoor worship concert September 30th from 4-6:30p to rejoice in the goodness and faithfulness of our God amidst today’s many challenges: “Again we say rejoice!” (Phil 4:4) This year’s concert will feature performances by top local Christian artists, God’s Chosen community choir, and a united worship band. If you’ve attended a Loved by Route One event at CTK, you will have seen some of the artists who will be performing at this concert, including Caleb McCoy, Shanell Alyssa, and Jen Aldana. RSVP via Facebook to receive important updates about the concert! More details here.
Casket Empty
Carol Kaminski will be holding a half-day Old Testament Casket Empty Conference at Ruggles Baptist Church on Saturday, October 21, from 9:00am-1:00pm. This seminar is a great way to learn the storyline of the Old Testament, with Jesus at the center, grapple with contemporary issues as they are addressed biblically from Scripture, and understand how the Old Testament fits together theologically. Registration is required for this seminar ($35.00 per person, $25.00 for students with a coupon code). To register visit their Eventbrite registration page. Please email with any questions or to access the Student Discount Code.
RUF Meals
Solomon Kim, the RUF minister at MIT, is seeking help this fall with his ministry to MIT students. They have weekly dinners, and he could use help providing food. If you would like to provide dinner for one of their Tuesday dinner and discussion Bible studies, you can do so by signing up on this link. You can cook or order. You can deliver or have it delivered or picked up by one of their staff. Info and instructions are on that link, but if you have any other questions, please let Solomon know at
Middle & High School Sunday School
Congratulations, Kalras!
Congratulations to Heide and Sean Kalra on the birth of Evelyn Ruth on Friday, September 8! And congrats to Emery on becoming a big sister!
Missions Update
Collin and Zury, a missionary couple we support, have been working since 2019 with college students in a major city in a Muslim-majority West African country (unnamed here, for their security). Along with their local co-workers, Sebastian and Angèle, they have established a branch of RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) at the university, and they had their first retreat this past May!
This Sunday, September 24, they will visit CTK to describe their ministry during the Adult Ed hour (9:15am-10:15am) in the Fellowship Hall, as well as make a brief announcement in the worship service and visit with us during the coffee hour afterward. Please come to hear from them, as you are able!
Auxilio is looking to hire detail-oriented quick learners with some financial sense and ability to think creatively and solve problems. A bookkeeping or accounting background is a plus. These roles are all remote, generally part-time (15+ hours per week), but full-time is an option. Contact for more details.
Women's Bible Studies
Women's Bible Studies will be starting up the second week in September!
Tuesday Evening Bible Study: Looking for fellowship with other women, prayer, and a chance to dig deeper into study of the Bible and its relevance for our lives? Come to the Tuesday evening women’s Bible study. Our first gathering will be Tuesday Sept 12 at 7:00 pm for potluck snacks, intros, and prayer. After that, we will meet every other Tuesday 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm and start in with study of the letter to the Hebrews. Questions? Contact Kimberly Bowal 617-396-1022 or Jeanie Carson 617-272-0366. Or just come! Feel free to park in spaces right by the church.
Thursday Morning Bible Study: This fall, the Thursday morning Women’s Bible Study will be studying 1 & 2 Kings, using What a Royal Mess by Susan Tyner as a study guide. Their first meeting will be a potluck breakfast on September 14 at 9:30a in the church social hall. Questions? Contact Kelly Sawyer (