Kids' Sunday Summary — Christ the King Presbyterian Church

Kids' Sunday Summary


This school year children (4 years to Grade 2) are learning about how we worship God on Sundays and every day with a three-week lesson unit on each part of our worship service. On the last Sunday of the unit, students will complete an art project expressing that element of worship.

Assurance of Grace Unit (on Dec 17 & 24 & 31)

God says to us: “I forgive you” (part of the Story of Worship)
Hand motion: left hand open with palm up, finger tips of right hand brush across the palm—switch hands & repeat
Theme Verse: Psalm 32:5
Bible Story: based on Luke 5:17-26
Song: On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand (My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less)
Teaching points:

  • God is powerful! He uses his power to forgive sins and heal the brokenness of our world.

  • We are to do what God asks, to praise him for his glorious works.

At Home Discussion Starters:

  1. Have you ever had to ask for forgiveness?

  2. Have you ever had to forgive someone?

  3. How does it feel when someone forgives you?


Grades K & 1

Lesson: Jesus Helps Paul Escape
Bible Passage: Acts 23
Lesson Focus: Jesus used Paul’s nephew to help Paul escape.
Memory Verse: Acts 16:31
Discussion Starters:

  1. Why was Paul put in jail?

  2. How did Jesus use a boy to help Paul while in jail?

  3. How can Jesus use us to help others?

Grades 2-5

Lesson: Speaking Only What Is True
Bible Truth: Because God loves truth and hates lies, he commands his people to speak the truth at all times. (Deut. 19; Prov. 12, 18, 22; Gen. 3; John 8, 14; Lev. 19; Ps. 25; Eph. 4)
Lesson Focus: To discover what it means to be honest and truthful with others; to know that God’s people are called to be truthful at all times; to understand why telling the truth is important.
Memory Verse: Ninth Commandment: Exodus 20:16
Discussion Starters:

  1. When do you struggle with being truthful?

  2. Why is it so important to tell the truth?
