Kids' Sunday Summary


This school year children (4 years to Grade 2) are learning about how we worship God on Sundays and every day with a three-week lesson unit on each part of our worship service. On the last Sunday of the unit, students will complete an art project expressing that element of worship.

Supplication Unit (on Feb 18, 25 & Mar 3)

We say to God: “Help us” (part of the Story of Worship)
Hand motion: hands and fingers clasped together held upward
Theme Verse: Matthew 6:9-13
Bible Story: based on Matthew 6:9-13
Song: Lord, I Need You
Teaching points:

  • God listens to the prayers of his People and through them works out His plan for His kingdom.

  • We can be confident that he will listen.

At Home Discussion Starters:

  1. What things does are we praying for when we say the Lord’s Prayer?

  2. What other things to you want to ask God for help with?

  3. How do we know that God hears our prayers?



Grades K & 1

Lesson: Jesus and a Thankful Man
Bible Passage: Luke 17:11-19
Lesson Focus: Jesus healed ten men who were sick, but only one said thank you.
Memory Verse: 1 John 4:19
Discussion Starters:

  1. How did Jesus show his power and love in the story?

  2. Why do you think 9 of the lepers did not thank Jesus?

  3. What was different with the one leper who returned to thank Jesus? What helped him to respond with thankfulness?

image by Freepik

Grades 2-5

Lesson: Building the Tabernacle
Bible Truth: God gave exact instructions for the work on the tabernacle and its furnishings. Each part taught the Israelites something about God, his people and how to wor- ship him. (Exodus 35–37)
Lesson Focus: To discover that God gave the people the abilities they needed to construct the tabernacle according to his plan; to learn about God’s plan for the parts of the tabernacle, which would be his dwelling place; to understand that all of the tabernacle pointed to Christ, the promised Savior, who would come to pay for the sins of his people once for all.
Memory Verse: Exodus 25:8–9
Discussion Starters:

  1. Why do you think God gave the Israelites such specific instructions for the building of the tabernacle.

  2. What was the purpose of the tablernacle for the Israelites? What does God’s tabernacle point to?