Kids' Sunday Summary


This summer classes for kids 4 years to Grade 2 are completing a unit on the First Catechism, a question and answer tool for teaching Bible truths in simple, straightforward language. Chidlren will grow in their understanding of God’s great love for and grace toward them through tracing the gospel message throughout the Bible.

Catechism Questions:

Q12: Does God know all things? Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God.
Q13: Can God do all things? Yes. God can do all his holy will.

Listen to the catechism songs on Spotify and learn the words to the questions and answers.


Bible Story/Passage: based on Joshua 3, 23

Teaching points:

  • God knows all things. God also knows all that is in our hearts,

  • God always does his holy will

  • God is faithful–God always keeps His promises.

At-Home Discussion Starters:

  1. What was God’s promise to His people (the Israelites) in today’s bible story? How did He keep His promise? 

  2. Talk about how it was difficult for God’s people to trust and believe in God’s promise (given how long they waited to enter the Promised Land and all the challengest they faced living in the desert).

  3. Help your child name promises God makes to us in the Bible. What sometimes make it hard for us to trust and believe in God’s promises? What helps remind us and give and us hope that all of God’s promises will come true?