Prayer List


A Adoration ~ worship God for His wisdom, compassion, truth, provision, creation, etc.
C Confession ~ repent of sin and ask God to redeem and restore
T Thanksgiving ~ say ‘Thank You God for...’
S Supplication ~ tell God about concerns in your life and ask for His protection and guidance.

Pray for our next Senior Pastor and the future of CTK

  • Pray for our church, its needs and future

  • Pray for our next Senior Pastor to be chosen by God for this time and place

  • Pray for us to have wisdom in discerning if Travis Drake is God’s under-shepherd for CTK Cambridge

  • Pray for our next Senior Pastor and family to find home, friendship and belonging among us.

  • Pray for our next Senior Pastor to have God’s vision for the future of our church, to be protected from the evil one, to grow in wisdom and humility, to lead our staff and session well and find fresh ways to illumine our lives in our current culture through the truth of the Word.