First Meeting


Welcome to the PSC blog. We hope this will be a place where the committee can engage with the congregation and keep you all updated as to our progress. This blog will be informal - sometimes it will contain important announcements, sometimes just smaller updates and reflections. Any important announcements will also be shared via other avenues (the Reader, Sunday morning announcements, etc.) in addition to here on this blog.

The nine of us met last night for the first time. We had a time of Scripture meditation and prayer, and then we set about selecting the committee chair. There was a decent amount of deliberation as we considered people’s gifting, inclinations, and time commitments. In the end, the committee decided on the following:

  • Chair: Gi Yoon-Huang

  • Co-Chair: Leonard Layne

  • Communications Chair: Laura Bullock

Now, you may have noticed in the job descriptions for the PSC committee, the communications point person is not traditionally considered a “chair”. However, our committee decided to elevate that role to indicate just how important we feel communication and transparency with the congregation is in this process. We recognize that we were voted from among you and that we will represent you in a lot of ways during this process, and we want the congregation to feel involved and well-informed as we go about this search.

All that being said, you should know that you as a congregation are in our prayers, and we ask that we would be in your prayers as well. A few specific prayer requests we have:

  • We have more roles to assign within the committee, so we ask for wisdom in those decisions.

  • We will have a training session with McGowan next week. Our contact at McGowan is named Ed Norton [insert obligatory Edward Norton joke here], and he’ll be guiding us through this process.

  • Please pray as we work to schedule a regular meeting time. Finding a weekly 2-hour block where nine people can consistently meet is a challenge, so please pray for that process.

If you have any questions or comments for the committee, please feel free to direct those to

Yours in Christ,

for the Pastoral Search Committee

Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain. ~ Psalm 127