Four Phases

The PSC has embarked on our training with McGowan and Associates. Ed Norton sat us down over Zoom to give us the bird’s eye view of the process. Before we dive into the process, there are some preparatory actions we need to take, organizationally. After that, the four basic steps are

  1. Developing a Church & Pastor profile

  2. Securing candidates

  3. Evaluation of candidates

  4. Selection of a candidate to bring before the congregation for their (your) consideration/vote.

Sounds simple, right?

There will be future blog posts that go a little further into each step in the process, but for now, the CTK PSC is currently in the “Preparation” stage. We’ve assigned roles within the committee, we’ve established a regular meeting time (weekly on Sunday evenings). Next, we’ll be working on strategies and procedures for the next steps of the process.

For example, one recommendation McGowan has made is that we have a person specifically in charge of engaging the congregation in prayer. Paula Sachsenmeier will be taking the lead with that role, so in the preparation phase, she’ll be brainstorming and implementing ways to keep you all involved through prayer.

I mention this role in particular because it can be an easy thing, when there’s so much to do, to get caught up in the process of doing. There is work to be done, there are plans to be made, but unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. As the writer of Proverbs counsels, we want - at every step of the way - to commit our work to the Lord, so that our plans will be established (16:3). “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Prov. 16:9).

What can you do:

  • Please fill out the church assessment survey. Conversations around the mission and vision at CTK will be ongoing in the next year and beyond, and the input of the congregation is invaluable at every step along the way.

  • While McGowan & Associates will be gathering candidates from the PCA nationwide, we also invite the congregation to submit candidate nominations for individuals you would like the PSC to consider in the search. These can be candidates internal to the CTK network or outside of CTK. Submissions will go to the PSC as well as to McGowan.

How you can pray:

  • Pray for wisdom and endurance for the PSC - one thing Ed from McGowan drove home is that this will be a long haul, but also that the PSC will have front row seats to the working of God at CTK. I think I can speak for the entire PSC when I say that it’s all both daunting and exciting.

  • Pray that the Lord would even now be preparing the heart of the next pastor for CTK. And pray for our hearts, too - all of us at CTK - to prepare us for the new pastor as well.

  • Pray for the congregation(s) of Christ the King, that even in times of change and transition, we, by the power of the Spirit, would continue to bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father.

Thanks for praying,


for the PSC