Calling all singers

Calling all singers, far and near! Although we are not able to put together our annual a cappella choir for this year's Holy Week services, we've decided our physical distance should not keep us from singing. CTK is assembling its first-ever online choir, and you are invited to join us! Check out for more information and resources, and email with questions.

Boston Fellows

Boston fellows is hosting another short-term program, designed for those working in STEM fields. The next cycle begins April 5th 2020 and will run for 8 weeks. We will meet weekly in a virtual environment! This program offers the unique opportunity for professionals in STEM to cultivate the insights and spiritual habits necessary for meaningful vocation within a cohort of peers and mentors through the local church. For more details and to apply, visit: Or reach out to co-facilitators Kris Sachsenmeier and Susanne van Veluw for additional information. Hope to see many of you there!

Coronavirus Response (Week of 3/22) MONDAYS

In light of the CDC’s most recent recommendations that all gatherings of 50 or more people be suspended for the next eight weeks, CTK is putting in place more robust online platforms where the community can gather.

  • We will continue to meet online on Sunday mornings at 10am for a livestreamed service.

  • We've created a CTK Cambridge Slack site,, as one way to stay connected, discuss what's happening with the church, ask for help, and learn about ways to help. You can join using this link. All church-wide announcements will still be made over email and on the web site.

  • Tuesday morning prayer will meet online from 7-8:30a via Zoom. Visit to find the link to the meeting and the written prayers. Download Zoom for free at

  • Some ministries are on hiatus while others are meeting online. Please visit to learn more.

  • CGs are also encouraged to meet online. If you are a CG leader and need help setting that up, please contact the office.

  • If you are not part of a CG and would like to be, please also contact the office.

Two more important points:

And as always, we would encourage the following:



In his hand is the life of every living thing
and the breath of all mankind.

CTK Dorchester Resource for Parents

For parents looking for some structure to these days with kids: Christ the King Dorchester hosted a live-stream talk on how to create rhythm and structure at home during the school closures. You can tune-in here: If you're a parent you may be asking yourself reasonable questions such as "What will I do with my kids for the next few weeks?" or "How do I keep my home from becoming a free-for-all playground?" Kate Ortiz shared some ideas and thoughts about what providing creating rhythm and structure for families with students at home might look like for the next few weeks. Kate has extensive experiencing not only homeschooling her four children but she also currently works part-time at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - thus, she brings invaluable experience and wisdom to this discussion.

Holy Week Dates

New Holy Week 2020 Reader.png

Please join us online for a Good Friday service on our YouTube channel at 7:30pm on April 10 as well as an Easter sunrise service via Zoom ( at 6am on April 12. And since we won’t be together for Sunrise breakfast, I’ve included our french toast recipe as well as our egg and cheese strata recipe, in case you’d like to make your own :) And don’t forget the bacon…

A Holy Week / Easter Devotion is available for families. The events leading up to Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection are told through a series of 12 Scripture passages and symbols. Families may watch the video in one sitting on Easter or watch portions over the next several days.

St. John's Passion

CTK member Leonard Layne is sponsoring an evening of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Johannes Passion just in time for Holy Week. This oft-neglected Passion music depicts the last events of the life of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Music will fill the air as you enter the candle lit Sanctuary. The Scene? The Garden. We will depict the events of Jesus arrest, then his trial, which lead up to his death “for us and men and for our salvation” You are invited to sing along, read at times, and enjoy the mystery of Jesus love on the night when he said, ‘’If you seek me, then let these go their way.” There will be breaks for singing, an intermission and food at the end, where you can discuss the evening with friends.
What: Multimedia event (St. John Passion in Act, Singing, Recording, and Video)
Where: Christ the King Presbyterian Church
When: Saturday March 28 @ 7:00 PM
Contact Leonard with any questions you may have.

Grace Prep

Grace Prep in Watertown is a hybrid homeschool program that allows both the benefits of both a classroom and a homeschool environment. If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please let check out graceprepboston.orgGrace Prep is having information nights on March 10 and 24 (see flier for details). Please contact Jenna Wertheimer at with any questions or for more information.