Missions Update

This week, let's pray for Matt and Jenn Irvine. The Irvines work in London among South Asian immigrants, who are often Jain or Hindu. They serve at a congregation called New Life Suwarta Sungat, a name which intentionally combines English words with Gujarati script to illustrate the way the gospel is available to all, across cultural differences. The Irvines ask for prayer that God raise up more church leaders from among the Indian immigrants. One strong, supportive family that had recently converted to Christianity has had to move away, so we can pray that that couple will be witnesses to Christ in their new location. We can also pray for New Life's leaders, as they decide now best to plan church gatherings in light of the pandemic.

Making Room at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is coming up and it promises to look very different than it has in the past. In years past, we have asked people to Make Room at Thanksgiving in an effort to ensure that no one at CTK is without a place to go for the holiday meal. While we can’t share a meal indoors with others, there are still ways we can connect on the holiday. If you would be interested in hosting an outdoor meal, hosting a Zoom call (maybe with some games?!?!), or if you have another idea of how to reach out to one another this Thanksgiving, please contact laura@ctkcambridge.org. Let’s get creative!

Common Good Conference

How does your faith connect to your work? What does Sunday worship have to do with Monday vocation? The Common Good Conference, hosted by Made to Flourish on November 12, seeks to help us all answer these questions. It will help you pursue a more purposeful Monday, learn practical ways to integrate faith and work in a new work world, hear examples of how God is at work in every sector of society, and embrace a new story for work. Because of CTK’s relations with Made to Flourish’s Residency Program all members and regular attenders of the church have been given a 50% discount code to the conference. To learn more about the conference, or to register, you can visit www.commongoodconference.com. When you register, use the coupon code: ​CG20RESIDENCY50

Congregational Meeting

The members of Christ the King Presbyterian Church are called to a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 22, 2020 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM, preceded by a prayer meeting that will start at 6:30p. This meeting will be held virtually.

Business to be conducted at the meeting:

  1. Elect a pastoral search committee* for the purpose of recommending a pastoral candidate for Cambridge

  2. Elect church officers – the slate of candidates to be elected will be shared upon approval by the Session

  3. Share information with the church

Instructions for how to participate in the virtual meeting will be forthcoming.

* PCA Book of Church Order chapter 20-2

Pastoral Search Committee Discussion

The congregation is invited to a meeting on zoom this Sunday (10/25) at 6:30p to discuss the process of selecting a pastoral search committee. The elders are grateful for requests they have received for time at the beginning of the meeting to pray together as a church, so we’ll start at 6:30p with an extended time of prayer (about a half hour) followed by discussion. The meeting will end by 9:00pm. We encourage you to join for this important time when we will call upon the Lord together, and then discuss together this important step in the life of our church. Please contact office@ctkcambridge.org for the zoom link.

Discovering CTK

New to CTK? We recognize these are strange times to be new at a church. We would love to help you connect to our various ministries. You can email Laura Bullock, the church administrator, with any general questions you might have. But in particular, we would like to draw your attention to our Discovering CTK class, for those who would like to learn more about the church and our denomination. Our plan this fall is to do the class over 4 Saturdays on Zoom, from 9-10:30am (10/17, 10/24, 10/31, and 11/7). If you would like to attend but that time doesn’t work for you, please let us know.

Fifth Friday

In the absence of our Fourth Friday get-togethers from pre-COVID days, Rick & Martha Olson are hosting a “Fifth Friday” event on their roof deck on Friday, October 30th at 7pm. Because of social distancing constraints, attendance needs to be limited, but you can sign up at https://doodle.com/poll/txa9di3xm9v7nkuz for a certain time slot(s) between 7p and 10p. Appetizers and drinks provided, but those who prefer to bring their own food/beer/etc. are welcome to do so. For questions, please contact Martha Olson.

Business Training Course

Small business owners: a training course is starting this month designed for Christian business owners to work through the essentials of a healthy business. The Business Essentials Virtual Course is designed to provide practical, hands-on guidance for small, especially new, businesses. The course begins with refining your business idea, moves to understanding the financials of your business, followed by creating business processes and ends with marketing, sales, and creating a plan toward success. The course will consist of 7 live 1-hour sessions and well as one-on-one coaching and is limited to 8 business owners. Please contact John Maudlin for more information.


The Huangs have a sandbox house that needs a new home.  It is a wooden house that can be transformed into a sandbox.  Someone once described it as "Wow, it's like a 007 gadget!"  It comes with a table and chairs and a lot of sand.  A truck will be needed to transport them all.  It's a great place for fun and sandplay for ages 2+.  Please contact Gi at giyoonhuang@gmail.com if interested.  Please see link to see a near identical item.

Job Needed

Job Needed in Mechanical Engineering: Keith Meikrantz and his wife are planning on moving from Pittsburgh to Boston for her to start graduate work at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee. He graduated in 2018 from Grove City College with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, and is looking for a job in the field. He is currently working as a Manufacturing Engineer, but would be happy doing anything in the Mechanical Engineering field. If you know of any opportunities, please email Keith.

Sublet Needed

Sublet Needed: My name is Mason Willix and I go to Wheaton College in Norton Massachusetts but I will be doing an internship in Boston from January 19 to mid-May. My friend - who is also doing a similar internship - and I are looking to sublet for the duration of the internship. I am a Christian and love the Lord and am looking forward to get a little more engaged in the church community and thought it would be a good idea to reach out! Our budget is around 1k a month unfurnished and closer to $1,900 for furnished with two rooms. But we are very flexible!! Please contact me if you know of any housing opportunities. Thanks!

High School Event

The high school youth meet up that was scheduled for Sunday, November 1 is being postponed until November 8th because of weather. On Sunday, November 8 at noon the high school youth will be meeting up (socially distanced) at Sennott Park near the church to talk about plans and ideas for youth ministry this year. We invite students in grades 9-12 to join us to give input and fellowship together. Parents are welcome to stay but not required. More details to come. Contact Lydia Carter with questions.

CTK Youth Gatherings

CALLING ALL FAMILIES AND YOUTH! In addition to the Sunday morning Zoom meet-ups, we’re putting together some opportunities for small groups of families and youth to get together in person. To keep group sizes manageable and safe, we’re planning these as outside gatherings around kids of similar ages. For dates and specific details for each age group visit www.ctkcambridge.org/gatherings. Please note that those attending these gatherings are expected to wear masks throughout the event (not required for children under the age of 2) and maintain physical distancing.

Congregational Meeting (10/18)

The members of Christ the King Presbyterian Church are called to two upcoming Congregational Meetings.

The first is on Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM and will be held virtually. Business to be conducted at the October meeting:
1. Consider the resignation of Rev. Rick Downs as Pastor of Christ the King Presbyterian Church
2. Approve a process for forming a pastoral search committee*
3. Hear more information and ask questions related to placing an interim pastor in Cambridge and the search for a permanent replacement

The second is on Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 7:00 PM and will be held virtually. Business to be conducted at the November meeting:
1. Elect a pastoral search committee* for the purpose of recommending a pastoral candidate for Cambridge
2. Elect church officers – the slate of candidates to be elected will be shared upon approval by the Session

For updates about these two meetings, please follow https://www.ctkboston.org/news-events. Instructions for how to participate in the virtual meetings will be forthcoming. Other business may be added to either meeting. If so, we will provide advance notice.

* PCA Book of Church Order chapter 20-2

Turneau Update

The Turneau family (working in Prague, Czech Republic) is in need of prayer. The Czech government has (on very short notice) informed the university where Ted teaches that its students must go through an extensive exam process to ensure the education meets government standards. The process will be very expensive for students, and Ted feels that their school has been unfairly singled out. So he asks for prayer that the institution will be able to make it through. Tedd and Carolyn also ask for prayer for the country, which has seen a spike in COVID cases, and that they will still be able to travel to their daughter's wedding in California in a few weeks.

Musical Opportunities this Winter

Are you a musician interested in sharing your gifts during this unique season? Here are a few ways you can help out! To learn more about any of these opportunities, please email amanda@ctkcambridge.org.

  • Join the rotation of musicians helping to lead music on Sunday mornings.

  • Participate in CTK's annual Christmas Concert, this year taking place online on Saturday, December 12.

  • Lend your voice to the Online Advent A Cappella Choir, which will provide special music for a Sunday service in December.