Men's Ministry

Men, this one's for you! Join us for a men's ministry hangout on Saturday, May 22 from 2-4pm at Tyler Holley's home in Wakefield. Lawn games will abound (feel free to bring one to share!) Please sign up for a time slot and get other information on this google spreadsheet. The sign up is intended to make sure the event stays within state guidelines. Hope to see you there!

Rick & T

An update on Rick & T: Rick has taken a year-long position as the “stated supply” (that’s PCA-talk for “he’ll be preaching”) at a church in South Carolina. He recently started down there, and while he and T are away, Clyde and Valerie will be living in their home in Cambridge. Rick & T would be glad to hear from folks and have visitors: their address is 13 Muirfield Dr. Okatie, SC 29909.

Pentecostal Tabernacle

On Pentecost Sunday, May 23, at 2pm, one of the churches in our area, Pentecostal Tabernacle, will be holding a short outdoor worship service and time of fellowship at Dana Park (70 Magazine St., Cambridge). Members of other congregations are welcome to join! Email elder Rick Olson ( if you want to join a group of people from CTK who are planning to attend.

Restarting Childrens Programming

PARENTS AND ALL MEMBERS: The last day of kids' Zoom classes will be on Sunday, June 13. Sunday School will take the summer off as we work towards putting all of our energy into gearing up for those classes and Children’s Worship to begin again in-person in the fall. In order to do this, we need to build a team of 20-25 teachers who can help plan and teach our kids for the next school year. If you have any interest and especially for those who are not plugged back into serving yet, please contact Dana ( Parents, please mark the evening of June 6 on your calendars for a parent discussion on Zoom about restarting programs in the fall. (Nursery families, Lara will be in touch in the coming weeks about plans to get a nursery up and running over the summer.)

Softball Team

The CTK Cicadas' first softball game will be held on June 5th at 10am at the Roberto Clemente Field, located in Boston's Back Bay Fens. We have a final t-shirt design, made by CTK's Eric Robinson. If anyone was unable to join the roster but is interested in seeing and/or owning a jersey, check out the link here, and please feel free to join the group order. Contact Rosemary Boyle for more details on ordering.

Women's Ministry Backyard Gatherings (pic)

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Women's Ministry will be hosting another round of backyard gatherings on Saturday, April 24 and Sunday, May 2 for casual fellowship and (hopefully) spring sunshine - this time in the yards of Katie Jentoft and Martha Olson. Please sign up in advance for a time slot. Email for the sign up sheet. The sign up is intended to make sure the events stay within city/state guidelines. See you in the yard(s)!

Easter Times & Services

In light of how many people would like to attend in person this Easter, the CTK staff has decided for this Sunday to have two services. However, to accommodate the schedules of the volunteers who will be serving this Sunday, we'll be changing our service time so as to have two morning services.

We will have a 9 am worship service and an 11:15 am worship service this Sunday. Registration is full for the 9am service, though you can sign up for the waiting list. There are still some spots left at the 11:15am service.

The livestream will be at 9am. We will return to our regular 10:30am service next week (Sunday, April 11th).

Here are the links for this week’s services. Please join us as we celebrate and reflect on the death and resurrection of our Lord:

Building Update

The sanctuary renovations are finishing up this week. You can see pictures of their progress, from February til now, in this Google Photos album. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped remove and then bring back the pews. And special thanks to Joe Buckley and Katy Carter for all their work in the planning and execution of these renovations. We are a grateful congregation!