Deacon Nominations

The CTK Diaconate is in need of more deacons. We usually call for officer nominations at the end of each year, but in light of the current need, we are issuing that call for deacon nominations now through the end of May. If you are a member of CTK and want to nominate someone for deacon, or deacons’ assistant, please follow these steps:

  1. Read 1 Timothy 3:8-13 for biblical qualifications.

  2. Approach your nominee and ask that you pray together for wisdom.

  3. With the approval of the nominee, please submit the nomination to

Cross-Country Skiing

Ladies' XC Ski Weekend in New Hampshire: Do you XC ski, or are you interested in learning how? A small group of CTK women is planning a 2-night trip to Jackson, NH, the weekend of February 11. The trip will include ski lessons for anyone interested as well as a day on the beautiful trails of Jackson (night ice skating is also an option). The cost of the trip is TBD based on lodging (we'll get a VRBO) and group numbers. This is not an official CTK trip -- if you're interested in learning more, please contact Katy Carter ( this week.

Christmas Eve

Join us on Christmas Eve at 6pm with a family-friendly service of Lessons and Carols, in person or livestreamed. Invite friends and neighbors as we read through the Christmas story Genesis through the Gospels and sing Christmas hymns that celebrate the coming of our Lord. As with Sunday morning services, please register to attend.  Also, please note, there is no childcare available during this service, but the upstairs nursery and social hall will be open to children and their parents as needed.

Christmas Concert (pic)

Celebrate the Advent season at CTK’s Ninth Annual Christmas Concert! Come join CTK’s talented musicians for an evening of festive performances and rousing caroling on Saturday, December 11 at 6:30p. Please invite neighbors, co-workers, and other friends! The concert will be in person as well as livestreamed on CTK’s You- Tube channel. Registration is not required, but distanced seating will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please see this drawing of the sanctuary to see where distanced seating options are. Contact for more information.


Many of you have been praying for the Johnston family and their infant son Asher who is battling cancer. The Johnstons were in the Boston area over the Fall and CTKers from the prayer team and others have been meeting with them and praying during Asher’s treatment. They have since returned home to L.A. and Asher’s mother has sent an update asking for our continued prayers: Asher’s health is declining rapidly and he is likely in his last days. Please continue to lift him and his family up in prayer to the Father of all mercies.

St. Mary's

As we have in past several years, CTK will be partnering with St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, staff members of the former Starlight ministry, and First Lutheran Church of Boston to prepare and serve a Christmas meal for those in need or without housing in the Cambridge area. The event will take place Saturday, December 18, at St. Mary’s. If you are interested in volunteering that day or the evening before, please sign up here or contact Morgan Crago or Mike Poor with questions.



  • We are now serving communion at the front of the sanctuary again. Servers will be masked and gloved. The bread will pre-sliced and served to those who come forward, and there will be wine or grape juice available. For those who would prefer not to come forward, the pre-packaged communion cups will still be available at the back table when you first enter the sanctuary.

  • There are no longer any capacity limits imposed by state or local governments. However, we are asking that people still register so that staff can ensure there are sufficient seating options available.

  • There are now two seating options:

    • Open, for those who are comfortable sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with other households

    • Distanced, for those who would prefer to maintain six-feet distance from other households.

  • Also, for the time being, we are asking that everyone continue to wear masks indoors during the service out of consideration for the comfort and well-being of others, including the many children in our congregation who are not vaccinated.

If you would like to attend a service in-person, you may register online to do so here. For those who may need to take young children out of the service, the livestream will be available in the social hall. All our other policies are listed on this page. Please register by 5pm on Friday, especially if you would like “Distanced” seating.

Octet Event

The Octet Collaborative at MIT is hosting an online conversation on December 2 from 7-8:30p entitled Redeeming Social Media: Christian Reflections on Using (and Building) Social Media More Wisely. For all the promise of social media, search, and internet commerce, concerns that these firms are causing more damage than benefit seem to be gathering steam. What wisdom can Christians offer in this situation? What does it look like to use social media and other digital technologies well? What wisdom can the Christian faith provide for those who are building them? Register here to attend. The panel will include Westmont College sociologist Felicia Wu Song, author Michael Sacasas, and YouTube technical product manager/Google Christian Steering Committee leader Nick Kim, and will be moderated by Nathan Barczi.


One room available on January 1 in a beautiful and sunny 2BR apartment located in Winter Hill within walking distance to Assembly Row, Mystic River, and easy driving access to I-93. Rent is around $1000 per person plus utilities. The current resident is a friendly woman who would like to share occasional meals and create a sense of home together. Please contact Erin at for additional information.

Christmas Concert

Celebrate the Advent season at CTK’s Ninth Annual Christmas Concert! Come join CTK’s talented musicians for an evening of festive performances and rousing caroling on Saturday, December 11 at 6:30p. Please invite neighbors, co-workers, and other friends! The concert will be in person as well as livestreamed on CTK’s You- Tube channel. Registration is not required, but distanced seating will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please see this drawing of the sanctuary to see where distanced seating options are. Contact for more information.

Request for Temporary Housing

Temporary Housing Needed: Vivian Chen - a friend of CTKer Winnie Tu - is completing a Post-Doctoral Fellowship with Takeda Oncology-MCPHS. She is from the Philadelphia area with Chinese Christian Church & Center. As her workplace is transitioning to a hybrid model, she is expected to be in the office at least 25% of the time. She is looking for a short-term stay from January - March, for approximately 1-2 weeks a month. She is flexible on the location, and prefers somewhere that is close to the MIT area or near the T. She has an almost 3 year old son at home, who will not be coming with her unless she can permanent relocate to the Boston area. She is hoping to stay with fellow believers and/or a Christian family as she would like to find a church community here during her time in Boston. She is flexible on length of stay and duration, and is able to pay and contribute. Please reach out to her via text/cell at 215-900-0198 or email at if you are able to help or can connect her with anyone.