Resurrection Eggs

Resurrection Egg Kits available: Homemade Resurrection Egg Kits are egg cartons with plastic Easter eggs filled with 12 different objects and scripture verses to help explain the story of the Passover feast through Jesus's death on the cross leading up to the empty tomb on Easter morning. We have enough for one per family and if you have not received one, completed kits will be available this Sunday for families to pick up after the service. Please contact if you have any questions.

Women's Ministry Picnic

CTK Women's Picnic: Women and girls of all ages are invited to join us for fellowship and picnic on Sunday, April 10! This will take place immediately after church. There is a picnic area at the park, but you are welcome to bring a blanket or chairs if you prefer. Dress according to the weather, and either bring your lunch or pick up something at Whole Foods and join us at Dana Square Park. If the weather is rainy, we will have an indoor picnic in the social hall.

Prattville Gallery

Joanna Muehleisen attends CTK, is a friend of the community, and an artist whose primary medium is painting ( The CTK community is invited to come see an exhibit of Joanna's recent work this coming Saturday at Rosemary Boyle's home. Please join in the celebration of art-making and hospitality, together on Saturday, April 2, from 3-6pm at Rosemary's home in Chelsea. There will be refreshments. Address is 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA. Plentiful free on-street parking.


Phishing alert: Though Pastor Travis hasn’t yet officially started as our senior pastor, and doesn’t even have a CTK email address yet, there have already been phishing attempts under his name to CTK congregants. Unfortunately, churches are frequent targets of this type of scam. If you receive an email that claims to be from Travis or any other member of church staff, please take note of the sending address, and don’t reply to the email unless you are confident it came from CTK staff. When in doubt, compose a new message to us to check.

Easter Services

Please join us for our Holy Week services and for our sunrise breakfast. Please register by Wednesday for any services you plan to attend (we want to make sure we have enough bulletins and bacon for all!). For more details and to register, please visit

  • Thu, 4/14, 7:30p :: Maundy Thursday Service :: a service centering on the Lord’s Supper

  • Fri, 4/15, 7:30p :: Good Friday Service :: a tenebrae service of readings and songs

  • Sun, 4/17, 6a :: Sunrise Service and Breakfast :: a celebratory service followed by a shared meal

  • Sun, 4/17, 10:30a :: Sunday Worship Service

We’re also in need of volunteers to help at these services. In particular, we need folks who are willing to greet at the services and a few who are willing to help set up and tear down for the Sunrise breakfast. If you’d willing to help, please contact

Route One Ministries

Route One Ministry is a Boston-area ministry devoted to serving sexually exploited and trafficked women. They also strive to equip the local church and community leaders with the tools they need to understand trafficking, identify venerable people, and respond in the most healthy ways to those who have experienced sexual abuse. On Saturday, April 9th, they are hosting a Freedom Concert at our building (99 Prospect St.), and are inviting anyone in our community to attend. The event will be a fundraiser to end trafficking through a night of worship and storytelling. Free tickets are available at

PT Holy Saturday

The Saturday before Easter (April 16), Pentecostal Tabernacle will be holding an Easter community event and a food pantry at the Washington Elms neighborhood. The PT outreach coordinator has invited folks from CTK to help with the preparations, distribution of food, and hosting of craft and game stations. This is a good opportunity to serve the community alongside fellow Christians in Cambridge! Sign-up information is here--there are options for Friday evening and Saturday morning and afternoon.


High Schoolers are invited to an event called City-Wide which gathers youth from several churches in the Cambridge/Boston area. The location rotates between different churches and this month will be hosted by Aletheia Church in Central Square. The worship event is Friday, March 25 from 7:30-9:30p and the group will meet at CTK at 7:15p to walk over . We will walk back to CTK afterward so pick up will be at CTK at around 9:45p. Additionally, you may meet at church at 6:30p for a BYO picnic dinner.

Housing Need

Housing Needed: Samuel Spencer is a missionary kid from Malawi. He and his Malawian friend are moving to Cambridge in a few months for school and are looking for apartments or rooms to rent. They are both enrolled in graduate programs that start in June/July in Cambridge. If you know of any housing opportunities, please reach out to Samuel at or 479-215-9754.

Cards for Drakes

Over the next few weeks, we would like to show our support for the Drake family as they grieve the loss of Esther’s mom. One way we’d like to do this is to collect cards from the congregation that we can then send to the Drakes over these next several weeks. People are encouraged to write personal cards, cards from their families, or cards from their community groups. We’ll then collect cards on Sundays and mail them as they come in. Though many in the congregation don’t yet have an established relationship with Travis or Esther, we can still communicate to them that we are their community, regardless of how short a time we’ve known them, and that we mourn with them in their grief.

housing for Hawaii family

Housing Needed: The Neikirk family will be moving from Hawaii to Cambridge this August. Richard Neikirk is currently in the Marine Corps and will be doing a fellowship at the Harvard Kennedy School from August till May. They are a reformed-faith family, and are planning to attend CTK when they arrive in Massachusetts. They are looking to rent a 2-bedroom apartment, condo, or townhouse in the Cambridge area from early August till the end of May 2023. They have no pets and do not need it furnished. If you know of any housing opportunities, please contact Viann Neikirk at

Prattville Gallery

Rosemary Boyle is hosting an exhibit of recent work by Adrian Johnston, Boston Fellows Arts Cohort Alum and member of Park Street Church. The CTK community is invited to join in celebrating art-making and arts patronage. Please join on Saturday, March 12, from 6:30-8:30pm at Rosemary's home in Chelsea for an evening of art and hospitality. There will be refreshments, and a facilitated discussion at 7:00pm. Address is 42 Nichols St, Chelsea MA. Plentiful free on-street parking.

New Registration Form

Good news! This past Sunday, we had the most people in attendance since March of 2020! We are so excited to be gathering in larger numbers again. As our attendance numbers rise, we do ask that whether you choose open seating or distanced, please register to attend the service. Registering lets staff know if we have the right proportion of seats allotted for open and distanced seats. To make the process just a touch easier, we’ve now set up registrations so that you can register for one month at a time — simply select which Sundays you plan to attend and then fill out the number of attendees for each Sunday. If you need to cancel your registration, please email Laura at

New Registration

Good news! This past Sunday, we had the most people in attendance since March of 2020! We are so excited to be gathering in larger numbers again. As our attendance numbers rise, we do ask that whether you choose open seating or distanced, please register to attend the service by Saturday evening. Registering lets staff know if we have the right proportion of seats allotted for open and distanced seats.

To make the process just a touch easier, we’ve now set up registrations so that you can register for one month at a time — simply select which Sundays you plan to attend and then fill out the number of attendees for each Sunday. If you need to cancel your registration, please email Laura at

When registering for the service, you may also register children for nursery (ages 6 months - 3 years) or children’s worship (age 4 through Grade 2). Space is limited, but wait lists are available.