Join us on Saturday, February 25th for a Marriage Class held at CTK. This class is open to all — whether you’re engaged and looking to get married at CTK, or already married and looking for a refresher, or you’re single and want to think more deeply about the meaning of marriage . Topics will include the meaning and purpose of marriage, the qualities necessary to have a healthy marriage, the true nature of love and how to effectively express it, communication and conflict resolution, role relationships, expectations and sexuality in marriage. Please register to attend by Wednesday, February 22nd. If you are actively planning to get married at CTK, there are opportunities for pre-marital counseling after taking this class. For more details about pre-marital counseling, visit
Community Outreach
Children's outreach opportunity in Central Square: Two of our neighbor churches, Pentecostal Tabernacle and Central Square Church, are putting on a Spring Fling outreach on Saturday, April 22nd from 11-2 at Clement Morgan Park near CTK. They are looking for volunteers to help with art activities, games, grilling food, and a grocery giveaway. You can sign up to help here.
2023 Getaway
There is still some space open at the Winter Getaway, taking place January 27 thru January 29! We also have a “Day Only” option if you’re unable to stay overnight. Visit for more information and to register. Please note, private rooms are now full, but there is some space in the bunkhouses. Scholarships are available — we don’t want cost to keep anyone from coming!
Nanny Needed
Nanny Needed: Areej Dalloul Munderville has a 7-month-old baby girl, and is looking for childcare from home, 8hrs a day, 35-40 hrs a week. She lives between Teele Square and Davis. Please contact her at 617-447-8987 or for more information.
Sunday School
Please note, there will be no kids’ Sunday school classes this Sunday, January 29, the weekend of the church getaway. Classes for Grades K-8 will resume the following Sunday, February 5. Note, during the worship service, Nursery and Children’s Worship WILL be available as usual.
Communion this Week
Unfortunately, we will not be having the Lord’s Supper this Sunday (1/29) in Cambridge, as we will not have an ordained minister present to preside over the table. We look forward to joining around the table together the following Sunday (2/5).
Apartment Available
Apartment Available: 2+ bedroom apartment available on the 1st floor of a 2 family house in Watertown across the street from a CTK family. Newly renovated kitchen and bathroom along with a sizable yard. Rent is $2800 per month. If interested contact Erin at
Youth Events
Youth & Youth Parents: Youth meetings and events dates for the second half of the school year have not been set yet…please stay tuned for more information.
Building Committee Updates
The Building Committee sent out a letter to the congregation last week with updates about the renovation project. Most notably, work will begin shortly on reinforcing the trusses in the roof. Scaffolding will go up soon for that, and the work is projected to take about three months. For more information, and how this impacts the use of the building, you can find the letter at Questions about the project can be directed to and questions about how this will impact Sunday mornings can be directed to
Snow Team
There’s no business like snow business… the CTK Snow team is once again recruiting! If you are willing to be called upon to redistribute accumulations of pretty, white ice crystals from time to time, please contact to sign up for the Snow Team email list. Shovels and salt will be provided. Gloves and hats, recommended.
Housing Needed
Housing Needed: Hannah is a recent Covenant College graduate who is coming to Boston at the end of January to start working in Somerville. She is looking for a place to rent/stay for a month or two while she gets her bearings. She is happy to sublease or pay rent if there is someone who has space. Her contact information is or phone: 423-660-1920.
Arts Cohort
For those working in a creative arts field (painting, film, music, writing, etc.), join us for the next Boston Fellows Arts Cohort coming this winter (February 16-March 30). Through an 8-week curated curriculum, discussions will address the integration of faith and art under the categories of Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration. The Thursday evening gatherings will include readings, podcasts, short films, music and visual arts offerings concluding in a final dinner and art-share evening. There will also be a Teaching Saturday on Saturday, March 11 at 9am with guest speaker Bruce Herman, painter, Professor of Art (retired), Gordon College MA. Apply Here Scroll down to the bottom of the page for payment and application (deadline February 2) Tuition $100. Questions? Contact Lydia or Paula
Fellowship Lunch
New to the CTK community or looking to invest in deeper friendships? Join Serena and Ryan after the service Sunday 6/25 for lunch! We will gather in the fellowship hall before walking to a restaurant nearby. If you’d like to go and money is a barrier, please let us know - the church would love to fund your meal!
Soccer Nights
Volunteers Needed: Soccer Nights ( is a low-cost summer evening soccer clinic in Central Square that seeks to promote athletic skill, leadership development, and citywide unity in neighborhoods throughout Greater Boston. They are running a program mid-June for 5 evenings in the Cambridge area for grade-school-aged kids and they are looking for volunteers! Anyone can volunteer, even if you don’t have prior soccer experience. You also don’t need to be there all five evenings (though preferred). We’ll be running our volunteer training with two options. We’ll walk through the flow of soccer nights, volunteer responsibilities, and teach volunteer coaches and assistants the drills we’ll run the kids through. Come ready to run around and have fun! Click here to sign up to help with 2023 Central Square Soccer Nights! Deadline for signing up is Sunday, May 21st, 11:59pm. They expect to have 150+ kids, with 50+ volunteers across various churches in the wider Boston area If you’re interested in helping out, please contact
2023 Getaway
There is still some space open at the Winter Getaway, taking place January 27 thru January 29! Register for a “Wait List” spot, and Laura will be in touch about potential sleeping arrangements. We also have a “Day Only” option if you’re unable to stay overnight. Visit for more information and to register. Please note, private rooms are now full, but there is some space in the bunkhouses. Scholarships are available — we don’t want cost to keep anyone from coming!
Addy Carter
If you're looking for a babysitter during the busy holiday season, text Adeline Carter at 339-368-2766 or email at! Available December 27th - January 13th.
A Note from Pastor Clyde
Dear CTK Family,
Valerie and I are deeply grateful for the opportunity to worship with you and serve with you over the past ten months. We have made some great memories with you. We are very excited about your future. It is as bright as the promises of God.
My encouragement to you is to continue to grow exponentially in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love this exhortation from Dane Ortlund.
Do you want to grow in Christ? Never graduate beyond the gospel. Move ever deeper into the gospel. Boom.
Even before I came to CTK, I experienced the affection of Christ Jesus for you all. I will continue to hold CTK in my heart and I will pray that your love may abound more and more with knowledge and all discernment. Paul's words from Philippians 1 capture my experience with you.
3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. 8 For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. 9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
Shalom, Clyde
PS 305 days until Christmas. 🎅
CTK Softball
Congratulations to the CTK Cicadas — our summer church softball team — for winning the ‘Presbyterian show-down’ vs. Citylife. We started strong, taking a 2-0 lead in the first inning. They managed to tie the game 2-2, but we responded and pulled ahead, reaching a 6-2 lead. However, they caught up, resulting in a tied score of 6-6 going into the last inning. In a thrilling finish, we scored two final runs and held them off, securing a hard-fought 8-6 victory. Every run was scored by someone different, so it was a real team effort!
High School Sunday School Class
Attention high school students and parents: A high school Sunday school class has started and will meet in the balcony office (same time as Adult Ed and other Sunday school classes). The class is led by Kris Sachsenmeier, David Guyer, Sarah Thang and Stephen Watkins. All students in grades 9-12 are invited to join.
Christmas Eve & Day
Join us on Christmas Eve at 4pm for a family-friendly service of Lessons and Carols. Invite friends and neighbors as we read through the Christmas story, from Genesis through the Gospels and sing Christmas hymns that celebrate the coming of our Lord. Please note, there is no childcare available during this service, but the upstairs nursery and social hall will be open to children and their parents as needed.