Kids' Sunday Summary


This school year children (4 years to Grade 2) are learning about how we worship God on Sundays and every day with a three-week lesson unit on each part of our worship service. On the last Sunday of the unit, students will complete an art project expressing that element of worship.

Benediction Unit (on June 2, 9, 16)

What God says: My blessing on you
How we show it: both hands to mouth, extend outward
Theme Verse: Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Bible Story: Matthew 28:11-20, Luke 24:45-49
Song: Barocha
Art project: Self portraits with bright watercolors showing God’s blessing transforming His people as they walk in His presence.
Teaching points:

  • The Benediction at the end of our service is God’s “good word” of blessing to us.

  • God’s blesses us with His presence, through His Word and His Holy Spirit. .

At Home Discussion Starters:

  1. Why do you think it is good or helps us to end our worship with a Benediction?

  2. Do you remember the Benediction from this past Sunday? Where do you find it in the Bible?



NOTE: Sunday, June 16 is the last day of Children’s Sunday School classes for the school year.

Grades K & 1

Lesson: Adam and Eve Disobey
Bible Passage: Genesis 3
Lesson Focus: God forgives us when we are sorry for disobeying.
Memory Verse: Genesis 1:20-25
Discussion Starters:

  1. How did Adam and Eve disobey God?

  2. Why did Adam and Eve have to leave the garden forever?

  3. How did Adam and Eve feel after they disobeyed God?
    How do you feel after you disobey God?

Communicants Class*

Lesson 7: What are the Sacraments?
There is NO homework from the Preparing for the Table workbook.

*No Grades 2-5 class this week due to the Communicants class.

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