Kids' Sunday Summary


This summer classes for kids 4 years to Grade 2 are completing a unit on the First Catechism, a question and answer tool for teaching Bible truths in simple, straightforward language. Chidlren will grow in their understanding of God’s great love for and grace toward them through tracing the gospel message throughout the Bible.

Catechism Questions:

Q1: Who made you? God
Q2: What else did God make? All things.
Q3: Why did God make you and all things? For His own glory.

Listen to the catechism songs on Spotify and learn the words to the questions and answers.


Bible Story/Passage: Genesis 1: 1-25

Teaching points:

  • God has always been.

  • God is holy — pure and perfect. He is all goodness.

At Home Discussion Starters:

  1. What are things about God’s character that are true because He alone is holy?

  2. What are ways that people (and you) can bring glory to God?