Kids' Sunday Summary


This summer classes for kids 4 years to Grade 2 are completing a unit on the First Catechism, a question and answer tool for teaching Bible truths in simple, straightforward language. Chidlren will grow in their understanding of God’s great love for and grace toward them through tracing the gospel message throughout the Bible.

Catechism Questions:

Q4: How can you glorify God? By loving Him and doing what He commands.
Q5: Why are you to glorify God? Because He made me and takes care of me.

Listen to the catechism songs on Spotify and learn the words to the questions and answers.


Bible Story/Passage: John 15:5-11 ICB

Teaching points:

  • When we know God, we will love Him, we will trust Him, and we will obey Him.

  • Jesus takes care of us and helps us grow.

  • We can never, never praise and glorify Him enough. He is so great and good.

At-Home Discussion Starter:

What are ways we show love and obedience to God to bring Him glory?