Eli Poor

CTK Staff would like to say a special thank you to Eli Poor who has been serving as our sound technician since September 2021. Eli graduated high school this spring and will be attending UMass Lowell in the fall to study computer science. Eli, we want to thank you for your faithful service and for using your technical know-how week after week in the worship service. We’re grateful for you and hope all the best for you as you start at UMass Lowell!

Special Announcement from Lara

A Special Announcement from Lara Kastelein and her family:

Dear CTK Family,

I am sad to share that I will be stepping down from my position as Children’s Ministry Coordinator beginning in September. My last day will be September 3rd. Since moving to Chelmsford two years ago, with the many moving parts of family life this past year, and with the hope to continue to connect ourselves to the community where we live, Eric and I have been discussing visiting local congregations to see if there may be a good fit for us near Chelmsford. In order to give space for us to visit we are taking a season to back away from our church staff and volunteer roles to make this possible. We do not expect this to be a quick transition and we will still be around the CTK community for a while longer, but I am saying goodbye to a role that has been immensely rewarding and a job that I have deeply appreciated. I have been honored to serve this community, teach and care for our kids, share struggles and joys with parents, pivot in and out of COVID, and pray for you all. I will miss this role very much and I thank you all for your encouragement and love for me and my family.

Please continue to pray for Dana and our Children’s Ministry, and each season please take some time to consider how God may be calling you to serve the children of CTK. It may be as simple as greeting children on Sunday or praying for them each week, but perhaps you are ready for a season of serving in Sunday School, assisting in children’s classes, rocking babies in the nursery, or planning with the Leadership Team. I am grateful for those that serve and look forward to see who God raises up in this next season. 

Children's Ministry Volunteers

The Children's Ministry is still looking for a few good men and women to help teach classes starting this fall! If you like the idea of serving in class on a regular basis building relationships with kids at CTK, consider Sunday School which meets before the service from 9:15-10:15. Though if serving periodically suits you better, you may assist a few times a quarter in the Children’s Worship classes during the service. As an added bonus to help meet our recruitment goal of 6 new volunteers for the fall, you’ll receive a $5 Starbucks gift card if you reach out to Dana by August 20.

Book Club

Women’s Ministry Summer Book Club: A bestselling novel for nearly 10 years, Anthony Doerr's "All the Light We Cannot See" offers both historical and human insight woven into Pulitzer Prize-winning storytelling. It's a book that's hard to put down, which is why a Netflix series is currently in production. Join us this summer for a series of four informal book discussions, while getting to know some other CTK women. If you'd like to request a book and be included in the email list about dates and locations, please email Sarah Goodman. Our first meeting will be Thursday, June 15th at 7:30p.

Park Street Job

Exemplifying a Christian worldview, Park Street School is an equal opportunity employer seeking to fill the positions listed below. Please email employment@parkstreetschool.org for complete job descriptions and application instructions. If you are interested in being considered, please complete our Online Employment Application. Be sure to upload a cover letter and resume when prompted.

  • Grade One Lead Teacher

  • Grade One Associate Teacher

  • Grade Four Lead Teacher

  • Part-Time Learning Support Instructor

  • Substitute Teachers

  • Development Director

  • Elementary Director of Academics

  • Director of Finance

Singleness, Marriage, and Sexuality Conference

CTK is co-sponsporing a one-day conference entitled Singleness, Marriage, and Sexuality: How God’s Design Points us to Jesus’ Unending Love.  Speakers will include Rebecca McLaughlin, Sam Allberry, Rachel Gilson, and Dani Treweek.  Whatever your life situation, we’d love for you to bring your hopes, dreams, friends, and questions and join the conversation on November 11!  For more information, visit singleminded.community/boston2023.

Building Renovations Update

CTK Building Renovation Update. After several years of work, our building renovations are drawing to a close this summer. The repointing and rebuilding of the masonry exterior by the Folan Company is almost complete, and it is predicted that the structure will be able to withstand the New England weather for many years to come!! We look forward to the removal of the scaffolding in the next few weeks. The sanctuary roof reinforcement work being performed by YSC is over halfway done, and the cracked roof trusses are now stabilized. We are thankful to the Lord for His provision throughout this process, including the recent mild winter. There have been no injuries and only minor mishaps throughout the process of both exterior and structural renovation. The renovations have been funded in part by a $500,000 loan obtained to facilitate timely completion of the projects. If you would like to give to the CTK Building Fund dedicated to funding the renovations (including repayment of the loan), you can contribute through Church Center Online. Please visit ctkcambridge.org/renovations for more background, updates, pictures, and financial information about the renovations.

Adult Ed

Current Adult Ed class: The world needs Hope. The Church needs Hope. You need Hope.  NT Wright’s exciting book on the resurrection and future hope — Surprised by Hope —  is being offered in a 6-week video series about the sure hope of the resurrection. Come and be encouraged. Why not bring a friend who needs hope? This will be the last class for the spring before summer break. 

Faith Lutheran Benefit Concert

Benefit Concert for Faith Lutheran: As you may know, the building of Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge was severely damaged in a devastating fire on Easter Sunday. For countless people, including many in the German expatriate community the church and its community has provided a spiritual and cultural home through the years. That is why some students, parents, and teachers of the German International School Boston would like to support the congregation during this difficult time by hosting a concert to raise funds for the immediate needs of the church (e.g. renting office and storage space). Please come for an hour of beautiful music performed by GISB students & a delicious bake sale! Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 6pm at the German International School Boston (57 Holton Street, Allston, MA 02134). Tickets are available here.

Temp Housing

Temporary Housing Needed: A 24 y.o. PCA church member from TX who is moving up to Boston this summer to start an accounting job with Deloitte accounting has a gap between when work begins (8/7) and when his lease begins (9/1). He’s looking to see if anyone might have a spare room for that time. He’s more than willing to pay for those weeks. Contact Austin Hayes if you have any leads: 830-496-1142.

Building Crew Volunteers

Join the new CTK Building Crew! This volunteer team will serve alongside the deacons in helping with building access, setup, and use for Sunday services and other events. If you are a member of CTK and like serving behind the scenes, want to learn more about the diaconate or the building, or feel called to help facilitate CTK services and events, then this is for you! There will be a training on Sat July 15th from 10:30am-12pm (make-up options available). Please contact deacons@ctkcambridge.org with questions or interest.