High Schoolers! Join our Youth Ministry Intern Ariana for a lunch outing on Sunday, April 7th, directly after the service!
MS Game Night
Middle Schoolers! Join the Middle School Youth Group for a game night on Friday, April 12 at 7p in the social hall! Contact Ariana (ariana@ctkcambridge.org) with any questions.
Maundy Thursday Meditation
As we enter into the final days of Holy Week, please take a look at Pastor Travis’ Maundy Thursday Meditation, linked here.
Welcome New Members
Welcome to the New Members who joined CTK this past Sunday!
Please note, there is no Sunday school or Adult Education this Sunday (Easter). Classes will resume on April 7th.
Housing Needed
Looking for Housing: Edwin and Isa are a Christian couple who will be getting married and moving to Boston in June to pursue graduate school studies. They are looking for low-cost housing options in the area. Please reach out to Edwin at edwingh0715@gmail.com and Isa at isabella.f.d.baker@gmail.com if you know of any opportunities.
Fare Forward
Jesse Porch has been working with Fare Forward and the Boston Fellows to start a monthly reading and discussion group here at CTK. Fare Forward is an "intentionally ecumenical Christian review of ideas," and each session of the reading group will focus on 2-3 articles from previous editions to discuss in depth. The initial meeting was March 24, 3-4:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall, and going forward will target the 3rd Sunday every month (April 21 will be next). Please contact Jesse if you're interested so he can pass along the reading selections and keep in touch.
CW Music
Can you play guitar, ukulele or carry a tune but serving on stage with the worship team is not for you? We are looking for some musicians and singers to periodically lead songs in our Children’s Worship classes (takes about 10 minutes during the service). You don’t need to be a rockstar—singers and musicians of all levels are welcome. If you can lend your talents in service of our kids, please contact Dana (dana@ctkcambridge.org).
Looking for Roommate: Katie Baldwin attended CTK last summer when she was in Boston for an internship. She is graduating from Princeton this spring and moving to Boston to work full-time in software engineering. She is hoping to find (female) Christian roommates who are interested in prioritizing community and hospitality, and is looking to live along the Red Line, potentially in the Porter Square area. Please reach out (kgbaldwin2001@gmail.com) if you’d be interested or know of any opportunities!
Men's Ministry Events
Interested in planning a CTK men's event? Whether it's an excursion, a meal, an activity, a class/discussion, or just grabbing drinks -- if you would enjoy it, others will too. Resources and help with the process (scheduling, advertising, etc) are available. Contact Andy at astuntz@gmail.com.
Middle School Game Night
Middle Schoolers! Join the Middle School Youth Group for a game night on Friday, March 22 at 7p in the social hall! Contact Ariana (ariana@ctkcambridge.org) with any questions.
Holy Week Services
For Good Friday, we’ll be joining with other Cambridge-area churches for a joint service. This year, it will be hosted at Central Square Church (5 Magazine St.) at 7:30p on Friday, March 29. It will be a tenebrae-style service. Please join us for this opportunity to worship alongside brothers and sisters from other area churches as we remember Christ’s sacrifice.
Adult Ed
New Adult Ed Class: Holy Week Reflections — March 17 & 24, 9:15a in Social Hall.
Easter doesn't stand alone. It is the exuberant declaration to the Victory achieved by our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. In this short class we will look too briefly at his last two days; the events of the Last Supper and the Last Sacrifice. In this way, let's prepare for Easter.
Pre-Check on App
Attention Parents: Introducing “pre-check”—a faster way to check in your kids! Check in your children on your phone (anytime Sunday morning), then scan your code at church to quickly print labels at any check-in station, though we’ve added a new print station in the basement dedicated to pre-check! Download the Church Center app to get started with pre-check.
CW Feedback
WANTED: Feedback about Children's Worship. Teachers and parents, we would like your help to create a more meaningful learning experience for our children in class. We are looking for ideas to test out in Children’s Worship in the coming weeks to help more effectively teach the children and encourage their participation in class. You may add your feedback and suggestions to this working document.
Adult Ed
Next Adult Ed class: Supporting our Youth as a Church Family: Stories and Discussion. CTK has long been home to a vibrant community of children and families. Our children’s ministry comes alongside them with sound Biblical teaching each Sunday, but how else does our church support the youth among us? This is not a parenting class, but instead a discussion on what it means when we take the vow during infant baptism to “as a congregation undertake the responsibility of assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of this child.” The presenters (Tim Talun, Gi Yoon-Huang, Michael Poor, and Andy Stuntz) will share their experiences as families with younger and older children of various abilities, people of color, one Christian parent, and growing up at Christ the King Church. We hope this will help spur discussion on how we can better serve the youth of our church in their Christian nurture. Class runs on March 3 & March 10 at 9:15a in the Social Hall.
If you have a large world map you would be willing to donate to the CTK missions team, please email missions@ctkcambridge.org. Thanks!
Sunday School
Please note that Sunday School classes and Adult Education are NOT meeting this coming Sunday, February 18 (President’s Day weekend). Classes will resume the following Sunday, February 25.
Communicants Parent Info Meeting: On Monday, March 4 from 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom, there will be a parent information meeting for those whose children may be ready to join the church as communing members. Travis and Dana will share some possible communicants options for this spring. We hope to offer a few “tracts” for children of various ages who may be ready to profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior and prepare to come to the Lord’s Supper. This will be a time to listen, ask questions and also to hear from you to help us gauge interest and shape the communicant offerings. Please email Dana Russell (dana@ctkcambridge.org) by 2/29 if you are interested in attending this information meeting and to receive the Zoom link.
High School Sunday School Class
Attention High Schoolers and Parents of High Schoolers: the High School Sunday School class will be resuming this Sunday, February 4th for the spring semester!